About Me

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Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Up to Speed.

So, I am still at my parent's house. (God Bless them!) We got here January 6th. It was supposed to be for less than a week; January 15th AT THE LATEST! Whelp, here we are... 6 weeks later. The story is that we will get our key to our brand new apartment on the 1st of March. However, after getting our hopes up several times in the last couple months, I have finally realized to picture ourselves here indefinately... (don't freak out Mom and Dad)... In doing this, a sort of reverse psychology, surely we will get the place when we least expect it... which would be the 1st since that is what we were told. Ya following me here? lol.

The kids are excited about the whole "apartment" thing. Who'da thunk? Excited to move out of our brand new, really big house... into an apartment!?! Here's a little insight as to the cause for this excitement. THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CONCEPT OF AN APARTMENT IS!! lol. Lacey can't wait to move because she wants to know what "Room Number" her bedroom door is; and Savannah think's they will probably have good room service. Show's what they know, huh? Boy are they in for it. ;) However, this is actually a tremendous blessing. I was worried how I was going to convince them that this move would be the best thing for us right now. With trying to get school done as quickly as possible I really needed to simplify and downsize. Too much of my time in the last year was spent telling them I was busy, while I dusted and vaccummed and exercised my OCD cleaning and organizing habits. And then I would be tired and irritable the next morning from staying up until 3 or 4, sometimes 5 in the morning with homework. But if their grandure of what an apartment is, combined with the new swimming pool, playground, and weight room that's there, helps this move to go smoothly and enjoyably, then that is fine by me! :)

So, just a brief update on each of the chitlin's....

Shane just turned 9 in January. I am sure you are wondering how on Earth I am old enough to have a 9-year-old when I barely look 23. haha. Anyway... he is in the 3rd grade and doing VERY well. It's his first year in Minor baseball; for this season I am now a Dodgers fan... DON'T SHOOT! lol. He is turning into such a little man around the house. And with a little more influence from the right people he will be a great big brother, which will definately be a FULL-TIME job.

Lacey just turn 7 in January, going on 13. She is doing unbelievably great in 1st grade. I was told at her parent/teacher conference a couple weeks ago that she is at the top of her 1st grade class, which consists of over 50 kids (between two classes). And at the middle of the year she had met or exceeded ALL of the standards for 1st grade AS WELL AS nearly all of the standard for passing 2nd grade! By the end of the year she could actually skip a grade. (Although that won't be happening.) She is on the Phillies t-ball team this season with Savannah, and is definately gonna be my homerun girl.

Savannah will be 5 this April, and is enjoying her first year in pre-school at a private Christian school. Her teacher is in love with her. :) And of course so are a couple other boys in her class. I wrote a blog about it on Myspace, I'll have to transfer it later maybe. Anyway, she absolutely LOVES babies. Is such a HUGE help with all the foster babies... a Miniature Mom of sorts. She is soooo sweet and soo good. I feel bad sometime that she doesn't really get the attention the other kids get, but with her - she doesn't demand it like the other kids *cough*DION*cough* do. :) Savannah is just naturally an angel.

P.S.~She just recently cut 9-inches off and donated it to Locks of Love! I was so proud of her!

And now to Dion. As my good friend says, "Ohhhh, Dion!" She is TOO much! She'll be 3 on March 2 and is Heeeeee-STERICAL! I honestly don't know what to say... so I'll just leave you with some pictures... haha.

"Whud you mean, my node id runnin'?"

Okay, so those weren't the pics I wanted to put up... I will have to try later.

That's about it for now I suppose. I will be bloggin' to ya again soon. :)

God Bless!