About Me

My photo
Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Epic Fail!!

Wow!! It's almost been an ENTIRE year since I've "updated" this so-called journal-ish type thing. So much for my 3rd attempt having been a success. I fault Facebook. You'll notice I'm usually quick to fault someone else for my short-comings... i.e. food being so yummy for my slight obesity, no naps for my toddlers tantrums, etc. But really though, Facebook is soooooooo easy to update. Plus about 75% of my family is on there so anything I post there is 10 times more likely to get read and about 20 times quicker (all statistics referenced in prior sentence are 110% fabricated). It's true though.

Soooo much has changed in the last year. What's worse is it doesn't seem like it's been a year. It seems only a couple months ago that I was having a good laugh at Dion and her inexperience at t-ball's expense.

In the last year: I got a 'D' in Microbiology, the LAST class I needed to apply to the nursing program which means I need to retake it before I can apply; I had a baby; Mike came and went from the kids' lives... again; I moved... twice; my brother and my sister-in-law moved to Oregon and I miss him all the time; I felt like a failure and a success in the same day... everyday; I started doing foster care again and I love it; I'm pretty sure the loan on my Suburban has increased; I realized I'm a mess when I always thought I had had it together for the most part; did I mention I had a baby?

I obviously can't sum up my year in a paragraph, but will try to post some pictures fairly soon that might help. Please note the words try and soon and remember this is me talking, err typing.