About Me

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Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Perfect Little Hybrid

So in routine evening style Abby and I are snuggling in bed before I get up to return to my homework and leave her to go to sleep.  She has quite the arsenal of evasive tactics in attempting to avoid actually falling asleep. One of these tactics is her need to have complete silence, and if she thinks anyone is up doing anything she needs to know.
*gasp!!* Mom!  Noi. Noi, Mom!”
“I know, Abby, I hear the noise, it’s okay.”
“Oh, Mommy. Tb, Mom?””
“No, Abby, it’s not the tv. I think you hear the radio cause the girls have K-Love on.”
“Oh. Not tb, Mom?”
“No, Abby, it’s not the tv.”
“Oh.” *lays back down*
About 15 seconds later she sits straight back up:
“Mommy, righ ba, Mom; tay here, Mom. Me doe yook tb, tb on.”
“Uhm, no Abby. You DON’T need to go look and see if the tv is on, it’s not. It’s the radio.”
“Oh. Not tb, Mom? Tayyub?”
“Yes, Abby, it’s KLove.”
“Oh.” *lays back down*
About 2 minutes passes and one of the girls drops something in the kitchen:
*Gasp!!!* Mom…”
…“Mom?” “Momma?”
“Noi, Mom.”
“Be quiet, Abby. It’s okay. It’s just the girls.”
“Tay here, Mommy, righ ba, Mom. Me doe yook – te girl tiet.”
“No, Abby. You DON’T need to go look and tell the girls to be quiet, they’re fine. You be quiet.”
“Oh. Me, tiet, Mom?”
“Yes, Abby. Shhh. Go to sleep.”
“Oh. Nigh Mom. Wuv you.”
“Night, Abby. Mom loves you more.”

Lord, help me.  This girls reasoning skills are through the roof!  She is a hybrid of Shane’s persistence, Lacey’s smarts, Savannah’s humor, and Dion’s sass.  Thankfully they’re good kids!  Cause she is in full-blown imitation stage and what a mess I would be in if her examples were poor.

I signed all the kids’ parent/teacher conference appointment notices for next week. Can we say giddy in anticipation? Love parent/teacher conferences. :D

Well, I have so much more to update.  Multiple times a day I find myself wanting to sit down and put things on “paper”, so to speak, because I know I’ll forget them all; then I forget to write them down… yes, it really is that bad. But hopefully I will get some more time soon.

Love to those who take their time to read our menial stuff.  xo

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