About Me

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Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I love music!

One of my new favorite songs.

Occupation: Professional Procrastinator

Good Morning!! Suprised to see me back so soon, aren't cha? :)

I took the kids to school, came home and fed my foster baby, Airk, and despite the messy house that my OCD is screaming at me to clean, I am sitting down to do homework. I've realized that I need to treat school like a full time job with a LOT of overtime required over the next week and half in order to catch up. Now, sensibly, had I treated school like a part-time job over the last couple months, there wouldn't be this pressure. However, I am learning to not procrastinate as much these days. By the time school is out, perhaps, I won't procrastinate at all anymore. Oh, WOW! My nose just bought knocked a hole through my computer screen; I'd better not go that far. :) I found a few things that I feel like I must have written in my sleep or something, here they are:

"The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up." ~Anonymous

Anyway, so I was kinda bummed last night coming home from Chemistry class. I found out that my current grade in Chemistry, should the semester end right this second, is a 92%. Woo-Hoo you are probably thinking. Uhm, not so much. I still have a final to take on Monday. So essentially, after some elementary math, I realize I need to pretty much Ace my final exam, as in only miss like 10, to retain my A as a final grade. NOT GOOD! However, atleast I now will have time to come to terms with accepting a 'B' and won't have to stress too terribly over the final exam. Not that I won't try my best, just that... yeah, I don't have to stress as much.

Math is going alright. I kinda fell behind during the move because of some internet hook-up malfunctions that caused me to miss some assignments. (*Okay, okay... as WELL as SOME tiny procrastinating.*) But I was able to talk to my professor and thankfully she agreed to let me make them up as long as I submitted them before the final. So I was up until 3:20 last night doing Math. Fun stuff, lemme tell ya.

I am about to listen to a tape of Pastor Gil's message on Sunday, which I missed. It's for my speech class as well. I have to write a couple pages evaluating his speech assembly techniques along with some other areas that I have NO credentials to evaluate, but it's the assignment. I think I will probably get a 'B' in there as well. Unfortunately, I have my best friend, Procrastination, to thank for that too. But, like I said, I am getting better at not procrastinating; because for my last speech, the one that was worth the most points, my Speech To Persuade or Motivate, I didn't procrastinate - I gave myself plenty of time to revise the outline several times, AND I even had a day to practice it on my kids and poor Megan. And my teacher said it was the best speech of the evening; so I am pretty sure I'll get an 'A' for that one. Although, I don't know how much bragging rights that actually gives me, as the 5 other student speeches that took place that night were fairly subpar to begin with. My speech was: "To persuade my audience to support our soldiers who are deployed in Iraq by sending letters and care packages." I was up against speeches that were: "To persuade my audience to get tested for STD's" and "To persuade my audience to petition to lower the voting age in California to 14."; you get the picture. Now had I only exercised this skill on the three big speeches prior, I would not be looking at a 'B' for a final grade. Oh well, such is the lessons of living and learning.

As for my English class. It's a Creative Writing class. It meets my Humanities Requirements. Enough said. About a week into the class, I realized that they should put for prerequisites for the course: CREATIVITY! I would have appreciated that heads up. I mean - it's not like I should've figured it out from the name of the course! :P Oh well, it's going. I like to talk, as you all know, and I can type fast, so it would logically seem like I could fast talk-type and get through the course. However, one of many lovely qualities is that I often talk without thinking first - that doesn't translate easily into creatively writing when creativity is, well, NOT one of my lovely qualities. Which pretty much means another 'B'. Or worse yet a 'C', in which I would NOT be happy with myself about. I'll let cha know.

Well, the older three kids are all at school, Dion is at my mom's, and I just finally put Airk in the "play" room with a bunch of toys and Cheerios and a sippy cup to watch Clifford: The Big Red Dog; so I should get some actual work done. (And by quoting play room, what I meant is that it is aka - Shane's room; I didn't mean that it was some sort of dungeon I call a play room to make myself feel better. Just for clarification purposes.)

Love ya All! Hope you have a great Thursday and weekend to come.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Unexpected first post after being MIA.

Hi There! Well, I've been gone for a while now, as you can see from my last post, and was intending on writing another "update" of sorts to account for the missing months. However, that drew my attention to the fact that I should save us all a lot of confusion and just title my blog - THE UPDATE SERIES! :) That, sadly, is NOT the marvelous journal of my life I had aspired for. Hopefully you'll be able to check back and be surprised by an actual real time depiction of whats new in our neighborhood.

Hope this finds all of you well! And I will be back soon! Promise this time.

