About Me

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Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Occupation: Professional Procrastinator

Good Morning!! Suprised to see me back so soon, aren't cha? :)

I took the kids to school, came home and fed my foster baby, Airk, and despite the messy house that my OCD is screaming at me to clean, I am sitting down to do homework. I've realized that I need to treat school like a full time job with a LOT of overtime required over the next week and half in order to catch up. Now, sensibly, had I treated school like a part-time job over the last couple months, there wouldn't be this pressure. However, I am learning to not procrastinate as much these days. By the time school is out, perhaps, I won't procrastinate at all anymore. Oh, WOW! My nose just bought knocked a hole through my computer screen; I'd better not go that far. :) I found a few things that I feel like I must have written in my sleep or something, here they are:

"The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up." ~Anonymous

Anyway, so I was kinda bummed last night coming home from Chemistry class. I found out that my current grade in Chemistry, should the semester end right this second, is a 92%. Woo-Hoo you are probably thinking. Uhm, not so much. I still have a final to take on Monday. So essentially, after some elementary math, I realize I need to pretty much Ace my final exam, as in only miss like 10, to retain my A as a final grade. NOT GOOD! However, atleast I now will have time to come to terms with accepting a 'B' and won't have to stress too terribly over the final exam. Not that I won't try my best, just that... yeah, I don't have to stress as much.

Math is going alright. I kinda fell behind during the move because of some internet hook-up malfunctions that caused me to miss some assignments. (*Okay, okay... as WELL as SOME tiny procrastinating.*) But I was able to talk to my professor and thankfully she agreed to let me make them up as long as I submitted them before the final. So I was up until 3:20 last night doing Math. Fun stuff, lemme tell ya.

I am about to listen to a tape of Pastor Gil's message on Sunday, which I missed. It's for my speech class as well. I have to write a couple pages evaluating his speech assembly techniques along with some other areas that I have NO credentials to evaluate, but it's the assignment. I think I will probably get a 'B' in there as well. Unfortunately, I have my best friend, Procrastination, to thank for that too. But, like I said, I am getting better at not procrastinating; because for my last speech, the one that was worth the most points, my Speech To Persuade or Motivate, I didn't procrastinate - I gave myself plenty of time to revise the outline several times, AND I even had a day to practice it on my kids and poor Megan. And my teacher said it was the best speech of the evening; so I am pretty sure I'll get an 'A' for that one. Although, I don't know how much bragging rights that actually gives me, as the 5 other student speeches that took place that night were fairly subpar to begin with. My speech was: "To persuade my audience to support our soldiers who are deployed in Iraq by sending letters and care packages." I was up against speeches that were: "To persuade my audience to get tested for STD's" and "To persuade my audience to petition to lower the voting age in California to 14."; you get the picture. Now had I only exercised this skill on the three big speeches prior, I would not be looking at a 'B' for a final grade. Oh well, such is the lessons of living and learning.

As for my English class. It's a Creative Writing class. It meets my Humanities Requirements. Enough said. About a week into the class, I realized that they should put for prerequisites for the course: CREATIVITY! I would have appreciated that heads up. I mean - it's not like I should've figured it out from the name of the course! :P Oh well, it's going. I like to talk, as you all know, and I can type fast, so it would logically seem like I could fast talk-type and get through the course. However, one of many lovely qualities is that I often talk without thinking first - that doesn't translate easily into creatively writing when creativity is, well, NOT one of my lovely qualities. Which pretty much means another 'B'. Or worse yet a 'C', in which I would NOT be happy with myself about. I'll let cha know.

Well, the older three kids are all at school, Dion is at my mom's, and I just finally put Airk in the "play" room with a bunch of toys and Cheerios and a sippy cup to watch Clifford: The Big Red Dog; so I should get some actual work done. (And by quoting play room, what I meant is that it is aka - Shane's room; I didn't mean that it was some sort of dungeon I call a play room to make myself feel better. Just for clarification purposes.)

Love ya All! Hope you have a great Thursday and weekend to come.


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