Okay, well the last semester really kicked my butt... but it's over!! Yeah! I am still alive. :) Here is what my transcript looks like as of the end of this last semester.
0684959 Heather Dainauskus
Transcript Information
Course/Section and Title Grade Credits Term 1
PSYC-1A General Psychology A 3.00 2006F
SOC-1 Introduction to Sociology B 3.00 2006F
MATH-101 Basic Algebra A 3.00 2006F
ENGL-1A Reading & Composition A 4.00 2006F
CHEM-2A Introduction to Chemistry A 5.00 2007S
SPCH-60 Public Speaking A 3.00 2007S
ENGL-31 Creative Writing A 3.00 2007S
MATH-102 Intermediate Algebra B 4.00 2007S
Total Earned Credits 28.00
Total Grade Points 105.00
Cumulative GPA 3.750
0684959 Heather Dainauskus
Transcript Information
Course/Section and Title Grade Credits Term 1
PSYC-1A General Psychology A 3.00 2006F
SOC-1 Introduction to Sociology B 3.00 2006F
MATH-101 Basic Algebra A 3.00 2006F
ENGL-1A Reading & Composition A 4.00 2006F
CHEM-2A Introduction to Chemistry A 5.00 2007S
SPCH-60 Public Speaking A 3.00 2007S
ENGL-31 Creative Writing A 3.00 2007S
MATH-102 Intermediate Algebra B 4.00 2007S
Total Earned Credits 28.00
Total Grade Points 105.00
Cumulative GPA 3.750
I shouldn't have gotten a 'B' in Math 102 this last semester because I am really good at math and I actually enjoy it. However, I spent A LOT of time trying to make sure I did well in Speech and Chemistry, which were my harder classes. So I kind of slacked on the Math until the last minute. Oh well... we live and learn. :)
I am taking Anatomy and Statistics over the summer. AHH! Scary. :) But I love the fact that it is only for 6 weeks instead of the semester long 18-21 weeks. I'm one of those "immediate gratification seeking" persons. lol. Then in the Fall I will take Microbiology and a couple other required courses in order to transfer to Chico in the Spring of next year. It's going.... :)
Other than that... the kids just finished up their Little League season on Saturday. That was a relief. Savannah graduated preschool last Friday...
But the older kids won't get out until the 20th. Kind of a short summer. It seems they are getting shorter and shorter as the years go by. Kinda sad for the kids, I think.
Well, I've gotta skidattle. Just thought I'd update this a little. Hope this finds all of you well. :)
With Love,
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