About Me

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Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Changes Galore!

Hello All!
There are a lot of things going on these days. A lot of changes. Some for the better; some not so welcomed. Nonetheless, onward!

So I'm not sure if I should just brush a little on each topic in this blog and then elaborate later (because the second half of that sentence will likely not happen). Or if I should just write a novel now. The problem with the novel now is that I am supposed to be getting ready to go camping. I still have A LOT to do just and since I've just tucked the kids in I should probably be running around doing all that jazz so I can get to bed at a decent time. Hmmm... well I'll just start talking/typing and we'll see where we end up then.

I suppose I'll start with oldest news first. I got fired. lol. That was straight to the point, eh. Very much so not my style, I agree. So that it doesn't sound so tragic I guess I should say I was "let go". But the bottom line is as of Wednesday the 28th I was suddenly unemployed. I knew the company was having a rough time (after all, I am, oops WAS, in charge of all the accounting) with finances. It's a turbo company. Gas prices are so high I choke a little every time I drive by a gas station. I kid you not, it goes up AT LEAST 3 times PER DAY! Ridiculous! Anyhow, people can barely afford to put gas in their vehicles let alone spend several hundred dollars, sometimes thousands, on "unnecessary" upgrades such as turbos. Additionally, most of our sales were to customers who had side hobbies involving rock climbing jeeps or recreational racing. Those people are also not pulling their "toys" out of the garages this summer because they simply can't afford to, let alone upgrade them. So it was understandable that they couldn't afford payroll. Myself and the shop guys were let go while the company gets itself back on it's feet (if that happens remains to be seen). I know that if I'm available when/if they can afford to hire again they would love to have me back. And my boss was quite distraught when he had to sit down and tell me. So there aren't any hard feelings. I was a bit bummed there was not even so much as a warning not to mention a 2-week notice. Oh well. It is what it is. So that's that bit of news. The timing was somewhat of a blessing as it was just a week and two days before the kids got out of school for the summer. So I got a good week at home, just Dion and I, catching up on our time together. And now I've been able to be at home with all of the kids for the last week. I miss it. I miss being a mom. I always wondered what it would be like to go to work. And I found out - it was heart wrenching. But I adjusted; the kids adjusted. We work together well especially when we have little options. But I missed being at home with them. I miss having a clean and organised house. I miss the laundry always being done. I miss dinners - good dinners, sitting down at the table dinners. Not flying low through the drive through on the way home from the sitters. Not standing at the kitchen counter being a short order cook throwing together 4 different meals for each of the kids. I am a homemaker. That is what I love to do, and, if I do say so myself, what I'm very good at. That's not to say people can't do both - work and be excellent homemakers. I can. I did. I'd just prefer not to. Being single and having four kids makes that slightly unrealistic. Okay - that was an understatement. It makes it not feasible. So I've been looking for another job. I have options, which is not the greatest thing to have if you're me because I can be quite indecisive. Don't confuse that with unopinionated by any means. But I'd get advice on what kind of spaghetti noodles to purchase if I could. I still have my foster care license and have received calls for placements, but am, for the first time ever, holding my ground on what I know to be best for my family right now. We can adjust ourselves to a newborn, a medically fragile/special needs newborn is great. But I have had to say no to 18-month-olds, 4 year-olds, and every age in between because it would just not work for our family right now. The kids need my attention. They don't need to compete with a tantrum throwing, toy flinging, out of control 20-month-old drug exposed toddler. They just don't. They are at great ages for traveling and doing things and a newborn is FAR easier to take with us or to find a sitter for than a toddler. But I've been praying about the foster care direction and if I get the perfect call for the right placement I'll know it. If not - onward. I also am scheduled to complete my daycare license application the first week in July. That's an option. Although I just said my kids don't need to compete there is a BIG difference between daycare and foster care. Namely daycare kids go home. We have our evenings and weekends to do with what we'd like when doing daycare. We have holidays. And it's better money than foster care. Although the house situation isn't the greatest it's also not the worst. It's workable. So that's another direction. Other than that there are a few other things that I can do. I'm slightly stressed but have never had any trouble finding work if I needed to before so I have faith... for the moment, for THIS moment more specifically. lol.

Next, I start my summer class on Monday. Physiology. It's completely online and it's with the same school and same teacher as was my Anatomy course that I took last summer and got an 'A' in. I think it'll be okay. I really have to get an 'A' so I'll be busting butt making sure it happens. Plus I like Physiology... much better than I did Anatomy and Chemistry and I got 'A's in both of those, so... hopefully. We'll see. I will be done with my prerequisite this Fall so I am able to apply to the nursing program this August!! YAY! I'll have my AS at the end of the Fall '08 semester. :) Depending on how long I have to wait to get into nursing school I'll finish up my AA in the Spring and then be ready to transfer to Chico State to start working on my BS in Nursing. So if I get accepted into the nursing program right away then GREAT! If not, it's okay because I'll already be working on the rest of the stuff I'll need for when I'm done with the nursing program in order to graduate with a BS. Once I've the BS I can do a couple more years if I want and go on to the program that UC Davis offers to become a FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner). So, although long and difficult... I'm still very much so traveling down this road and am excited about it. The kids are excited for me.
Speaking of kiddos... they are getting SOOOO big!! I sit in awe daily at how fast it is going. Shane is 10 and now officially a 5th grader. He finished the 4th grade with a solid 'B' average, and although we had the discussion over the fact that he is capable of better - his teacher said he was a wonderful student, a hard worker, and very respectful. What else could I ask for? He's well above my shoulder now and I'm sure it'll just be a matter of time before that handsome boy is taller than me. But he knows I can still run faster than he can and will take him out in a heartbeat if necessary so I'm not worried. lol. I'm not worried because he's such a great kid. So sensitive and considerate. He has a tremendous heart and I'm so very proud of the little man he's becoming despite all odds with the example he was dealt. Miss Lacey Mae is now 8 and just flew through the 2nd grade like it was a piece of cake. Her teacher beams with pride every time he talks about how fantastic she is and how effortless 3rd grade will be for Lacey. And thankfully she's such a proud big sister that she very much so "tutors" the younger two girls. And for that let me just tell you how thankful I am!! :) Savannah just graduated Kindergarten and is now a 1st grader! My Savannah Lee!! A FIRST GRADER! What is this?? Warp speed? She's six but her teacher insists she's going to be 12. Savannah is definitely going to be the teacher's pet throughout her school career, but she is still able to remain beyond sweet and helpful so she has all the other kids wanting to be her friend. But she's very humble about it - in fact I don't even think she's noticed what a superstar she is to everyone in her class. Now... how to transfer some of that to Dion. haha! Dion will be embarking on her school career when she makes her Pre-School debut this Fall. I was at the school filling out papers for her the other day and I kept putting down Savannah's information. For some reason, and I won't claim to not know why, but I refused to allow myself to believe my baby girl is going off to school. She is very excited and unlike all other kids on Earth can't wait for summer to be over so she can "doe to schul". Speaking of her speech impediment - she is still going to Speech Therapy twice a week and has astounded her therapist, Lisa, by the rate of speed Dion picks up everything and also how hard Dion works. Lisa wants to keep Dion in the program forever because it gives her something to look forward to twice a week. lol.

Oh, oh... I let all three of the girls get their hair cut. Once the weather started getting warmer they all wanted their hair chopped. I, needless to say, was against the idea. But, in their defense - I am horrible at doing hair. Not because I suck. But because I have no sympathy. I have a hard head - I yank through my hair every morning and don't bat an eye. But the girls seem to have sensitive little scalps and none of them appreciate me mowing through it with a brush every morning. So, to waylay the cries from the girls when I announce it's time to do hair I let them cut it. My friend, Lauren, did it and I think they look ADORABLE!! Not to mention we haven't had a tear shed while doing hair since we got it cut. :)

Dion Marie (4)

Savannah Lee (6)

Lacey Mae (8)


Wow, this is a novel. Is anyone still with me? lol. There is more, believe it or not. But my back is hurting and all I can think of is the camping gear sitting here and there and everywhere waiting to be packed up and stacked by the front door. So I will bid thee farewell. Thanks for checking in. :) I hope this finds you all happy and healthy. Until next time, God Bless!


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