About Me

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Red Bluff, CA, United States
The life of us: a single mother and her 5 resilient, awe-inspiring children. Currently a part-time waitress and full-time nursing student with the simple hopes of retaining my sanity, or at least enough of it, in order to seek employment upon graduating. In the meantime I hope to encourage, love, teach, and in the end release each of my children into the world as independent thinkers, selfless Christians, hard-working contributors, and appreciative life seekers. Herein lies bits of that journey.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it scissors??? A mailbox?? A llama?!?!

Alright... so I've been meaning to post this for ages but I've been terribly busy, sorry.Last month for the Labor Day Weekend the kids and I drove to Patrick's point for the weekend. It was wonderful!! The drive was fairly painless.... even though these days I now travel with four miniature chatter boxes. Thankfully, they are pretty darn hysterical and entertaining so the massive headache that I had (with each of their precious little names written all over it) at the end of the 5 hour drive was well worth it. ;)

They all four have stories... lots and LOTS of stories, bless their hearts. And I'm pretty guilt-ridden over not having enough time (or ears) to devote my undividided attention to each of them as much as they'd like (and actually Dion's nickname is Chatty Cathy so between her and my mini-drama-queen, Lacey, there aren't even enough hours in the day, seriously). So when we're driving they're all like a pack of wolves. They know they have me cornered in the left front of the vehicle driving with no place to go... no blue tooth so no phone and no distractions (well except for paying attention to driving but that's a minor detail). So they all want to talk... ALL FOUR OF THEM! And when one story gets too long one of the other kids will jump in and say things like, "Am I going to get a turn?", "When can I talk?", "Are you done yet?". It's funny actually. And I listen. It's hard to keep track of what story happened to who though (and boy do they call me on it if I've missed a detail!!), but it works out. So after a couple hours, when stories about school, church, home, dad's home, colour of the sky, why is the Earth round, are we there yet? were seeping from my ear canals cause I could fit no more.... I decided to start the game 20 Questions.

Well the older kids know how to play for the most part. However, Dion hasn't really participated officially yet - this was going to be her first time. So I say, "Okay guys... I'm thinking of something...." and then they started asking the usual 20 questions.... "Is it living?", "Is it smaller than a basketball?", etc etc. So then, after the example I did to demostrate the rules, it's Lacey's turn first. She ponders for a few moments... looking out the window, him'ing and haw'ing, and then she has it! "Okay, I'm ready!" she says. And before she even get's done saying, "I'm thinking of some........", Dion jumps in. Now mind you Dion is right behind me in her carseat. So I can look in the rear view mirror and see her (but of course I don't.... cause I'm driving ya know). And as I'm not watching her in the rear view mirror I see her eyebrows perk up and she looks towards Lacey and shouts, with her finger pointing across the second row straight at Lacey, "IS IT KNIFE???" I'm thinking to myself HUH???? A knife??? What the heck??? And before I can even ask Dion what the heck she is doing she continues shouting at Lacey.... "A TACO!! IS IT A TACO???" Out of the corner of my eye while I'm watching Dion still (and driving, oh yeah driving) I notice Shane jerk his head violently over to look at me with the biggest, fattest, most confused question mark on his face I've ever seen on anyone. So I'm trying not to laugh cause Dion thinks she's seriously playing a game here and boy is she determined to win! lol. So I shush Shane before he rains on Dion's parade with some smart aleck comment I knew he was prepared with. And just as I'm about to say something Dion continues. Now mind you all of these things so far have pretty much happened simotaneously. Lacey starts the game, Dion begins shouting her guesses, and Shane and I are both on the same dumbfounded page as each other... so it continues. "GIVE US A HINT!!!!" Dion shouts, and in the same breath she says, "IS IT A PIGMY GOAT??". So by now EVERYONE in the car is staring at Dion. I could even see little Savannah way in the third row lean up to peer around the head rest so she could look at Dion. Lacey's over against the window on the passenger side staring across the seat toward Dion looking quite intimidated by Dion's finger pointing straight at her! And then Shane, who by now has turned his very baffled face toward the backseat to watch this craziness unfold. A burst of laughter exploded from my mouth, without permission mind you cause I didn't want Dion to feel silly or anything... I mean she was trying the best she knew how to play, lol. So I say to Dion, "Uhmmm, hey... Dion?" She's completely oblivious to the fact that she's currently the ONLY one playing the game, lol. I see her hand drop and she looks straight at me in the rear view mirror, "What mom? I'm playing a game here!" she says. I said, "I know sweetie but you can't do that. You can't just guess answers, you have to ask questions that will give you clues to what it is so when we're done we can all pick one answer together." Now, in retrospect, in her defense, I suppose I hadn't gone into detail over that aspect of the game. I just assumed she had paid attention to the demonstration the older kids and I had given her about what kinds of questions to ask and stuff. So then I say, "And you can't ask her to give you a hint after just two questions." "Oh," she said, slightly disappointed I thought. But I didn't want to make a big deal out of it so I said, "Okay guys, go!" And what do you know???? Dion starts right back in!!! "A DUCK??? A PENCIL?? A JUMPROPE??? LIPSTICK!! IS IT LIPSTICK?? GIVE ME A HINT!!! JELLO?? STRAWBERRY JELLO!!! SCISSORS!! A MAILBOX??? LLAMA!!! A HINT, GIVE US A HINT!! TOOTHPASTE!!" lmao! Yep, she sure did. So.... that's how she continued to play the game for the next 50 miles. lol. It sure kept us entertained cause boy is she even more random than her mother!! lol. And believe it or not... ONE TIME, one time she ACTUALLY guessed it right!!! Which only reinforced her notion that how she was playing was juuuuust fine. lol.

"Enjoy the little things in life... for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things."

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